Slashing the skies with oxygen pens.
Stretching chemical muscles,
Playing the painter's pallets that are my lungs,
Breathing patterns in the light.
First, a whisper.
Then a shout,
Letting the winds and wires carry my voice.
I am a thousand AI's, a sea of oysters,
Coating sandy minds with digerati;
Gutenberg's pearls scattered on a spyder's dew-drenched net.
A million eyes show the lives of my organism.
Sum of a billion unknowing,
In the whole that is more.
The truth that lies between you and I.
From the depths of night the serpent sings,
Of Blue moon's rise and the death it brings,
In constant dark my thoughts will dwell,
Until your spirit goes to hell.
Like eagles in the sky I come,
Claws drawn out to take you from
That place you feel most comfort in,
To perish from perpetual sin.
Your life is doomed to die in vain,
Poured out from wounds of you who's slain,
Your voice will fail from lack of air,
As crushed your vocal cords will fair.
From your death will come great light,
As daylight grows from perpetual night,
Your corpse lays still upon the ground,
Where worms and beasts will soon be found.
Once there was a nightengale
Of golden voice and silvered tail
Hunted for its music tool
Scarlet beaked; fit to rule.
A prince rode through the woods one day
Upon his ears birds' song did play
But through it all not one could match
That song sung high in briar patch
From his mount to foot he went
To catch a glimpse of instrument
So pure of tone and clarity
More beautiful than sanity.
Careful not to make a sound
He pushed on through on shaky ground
Scratched and torn by many thorns
Yet no twig snapped nor rolled acorns.
As he drew near he saw a sight
That stole his breathe and heart took flight
But glint of light off golden cloth
Caught eye of bird which then flew off.
Sadness overwhelmed the Prince
Barely having caught a glimpse
But quickly he did realize
What God-sent creature dwelled the skies.
He smiled, headed back to horse
Easily mending broken course
Not once did he look behind
But held the image in his mind
Of scarlet beak and silvered tail,
Of that joyful little nightengale.
In amongst the trees
A forest of information
Ideas growing from the earth in our minds
Molded by our interactions
Bugs crawl the branches,
Munching the leaves,
Slowing the progress.
Virii plague the land
Spreading from branch to leaf to root
Destruction spreads.
One is immune,
Virus halted in mid-stride,
Cures spread quickly.
We tend the trees of our gard'
Helping fight disease, rid the pests
We climb their branches,
In search of hidden treasures.
Structures improve with generations
Codes are swapped, improved, replaced
New growth appears;
Old growth trimmed away.
Deserts of information vanish
Pushed back by the digital tidal wave
Of ideas, of thoughts, and of dreams.
Rising up from ashes past,
Dust off your clothes until the last
Specks of dus and vile decay
Drop to ground and drift away.
Stretch your muscles lean and taught,
Move your arms so strained and wrought
With cramps and age from months of rest,
Prepare your body for your best.
Keplerian laws and bent space-time,
Determine slopes of null-space climb,
Creating worlds of purest form
To flex a mind too long in dorm.
A sign for flight and clouds draw near
Passing birds draw back in fear
For what they see has long been gone
Shunned from where great glory shone.
Up above the world so high,
Like a daemon in the sky
Spinning change with hands and thoughts
Universe shifts to random spots.
A fleet of symbols fill the space
Information's ever changing pace
Global patterns shift and slide
Local chaos surfs a ride.
A flick of wrist and twiddled thumb
Render all the senses numb;
Darkness swells and swallows all,
A single spire rises tall.
Enter through a single door
Outside the rain begins to pour
Walking down old spiral stairs
Morphed a body; stood on pairs.
Walking on a foreign ground,
Smelling odours; hearing sound.
Electric culture linked by wire,
Building information fire.
Well, if you've made it this far down the page, you might actually
be interested in my thoughts, aspirations and other mental
Teknomage Industries, Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997