It starts with One link...

Then on to a Second...

Suddenly a Third appears...


Let the linking begin...

    People I know directly:

  1. Jenn Brayton -- Women's Relationship with the Web.
    Met Jenn waaaaaay back in second year at Queen's University
  2. Steve's Works -- I met Steve back in... 1995 I think, shortly after meeting the inspired Tamara Taylor, now married to Mike Léger and thus Tamara Léger.
    Last summer (1996) he married Sabina Romlin
  3. Sabina's domain site -- Also going to meet Sabina for the first time at Steve's B-day.
  4. Rorschach & Minivan -- Steve and Sabina's hairless cats!
  5. Carolyn's Diary -- Finally met her face to face, hopefully one of many to come.

    Other people's deserving sites:

  1. Release 2.0 -- Esther Dyson's latest rev book. Just picked up a copy 'cause it looks like a really interesting read.
  2. water -- Magdalena (Maggy) Donea's space
  3. The JenniCam -- This Jenn lives online in a different sense of the word... See for yourself. She's got a lot of guts!

Last modified: Monday, 13-Dec-1999 19:48:46 PST